
35 Views · 7 months ago

This African story unfolds the tale of a young woman called Simbi. She is a very rich , beautiful woman, from a wealthy home. She had all she needed and inherited a large amount of money from her late father. As she was an only child, Simbi was spoiled and got everything she wanted. But something went wrong, as she grew to become a woman she had a serious problem, she cannot be satisfied.

She dated different men in the village, yet none could satisfy her. She was already getting old, so her Mother and her sisters started disturbing her, forcing her to get married. But Simbi proclaimed:

“No man in this village deserves to have me, they are all church rats to me. They cannot even satisfy me in bed. I know the men in this village, they cannot perform well”

What will become the fate of Simbi, find out in this epic tale?

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26 Views · 7 months ago

In a bid to marry the Perfect Right Man, Oluchi ended up with the Worst Wrong Man. How did this happen? Will Oluchi be able to cope with her decision? Find out in this life-changing story!

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keywords: African Tales, Folklore, Folktale, Mystery Family Drama, Animated Tales, Village life

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14 Views · 7 months ago

A Village is tormented and in tears because of their Greedy King, but little did they know that their saviour will be a little girl of 10 years - the Python Girl. Enjoy this beautiful tale and discover how the Python Girl saved the Villagers from the Greedy King.

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